
Analyzed here is only and exclusively one FUTURE CONTRACT ON WIG20 INDEX: the one with the closest expiration date.
At the moment it is WIG20U13
Each time after the session I put the current screenshot of it and I give you the position that I deal.Sometimes, the best position is the lack of it. In this case it will also be recorded.
Many tipsters use fly-by-night websites that create over-optimised computer systems or trading robots that promise high returns and a high percentage of successful trades based on past data. My tips are based on technical analysis using hourly price charts and are published at the end of each trading session.
You can follow my trades in real time.
Full information but you get only when you become a Subscriber.You will then receive a mail from me with the trade signals at the same time I give.You will also get to know where at the moment I'm setting protective stops. This allows subscribers to place orders at the same time I do.
My strategy can be classified as short-term. The position can be opened and closed in the same session (day trading). Sometimes the position is held longer, up to 10 days.
Current position.
No position now
Sorry.I`ve got holidays
Last transaction 06/26/2013
2075 - entry long (08:53 a.m. 6/26/2013) ; 0 -entry short ) ;
2197 - exit long (10:39 a.m. 6/26/2013) ; 0 - exit short
Hourly chart WIG20U13 Last transaction

Hourly chart WIG20U13

Hourly chart WIG20M13 (expired)

Meaning of arrows:

green -entry long red -entry short
ligtblue - exit long violet - exit short

Quotations on contract expiring in June WIG20 the symbol FW20M13 can be found at Stooq or anywhere else. Just type on a search engine WIG20 password. These public are always 15 min delay.